Als ik iedereen zou noemen die aan de onderstaande publicaties heeft meegewerkt zou ik geen ruimte over hebben om de boeken te laten zien. De zelf geïnitieerde boeken, die ik vaak in samenspraak met mediatheotericus Geert Lovink maakte bevatten een enorme hoeveelheid quotes van bijzondere denkers en makers, maar ook teksten en beelden uit de consumentenmarkt en de wereld van alledag. Het is geweldig dat er zoveel geschreven en gemaakt wordt, het palet van mediamateriaal voor de kunstenaar in de 21ste eeuw wordt steeds rijker en groter.
This collection of slogans, comments, maxims and glossaries in this boldly designed book created in 2000 is intended to boost your digital creativity. An ever-increasing number of people worldwide are accessing high quality, well designed consumer goods, magazines, websites and television programmes. With this growing demand for sophisticated media design, what are the concepts and visions of the world’s leading designers? Can they deliver, at the end of the day, what hundreds of millions expect of them? Along with its democratic potential, design has also become inseparable from commerce. Money is designing the world. Managers are dictating the parameters of future design by embedding innovative design in interactive, customised business environments to maximise usability for millions of consumers. Like so many others have done inside the profession, this book formulates strategies and asks pertinent questions.
Everyone is a Designer, Manifest for The design Economy
Published by Bis Publishers
ISBN: 90-72007-69-7
First edition 2000
In the first edition of Everyone Is a Designer in 2000, we proposed the idea of democratisation of design; now, a decade later, this programmatic statement has become reality. We are designing our social lives, making our own choices, and creating it all together! This book signals a new aesthetic movement of collaborationism: a combination of socially, technologically and economically-driven systematically generated visuals. A hierarchy of levels and layers, pulldown menus, buttons and blog rolls that give us access and possibilities for creating visuals using style sheets, templates, renderings and frameworks for the look & feel of today’s design. The artistic properties of codes and systems are being discovered!
Everyone is a Designer in the Age of Social Media
Published by BIS Publishers
First Edition 2010
ISBN 978-90-6369-227-8
A booklet about the mobile world of quotes, essays, statistics and factoids, all reflecting the very young state of wireless thinking. This publication asks what it means to become cellular, think wearable and live mobile. Liberated from cables and heavy objects, the new human condition of always being available is a remarkably light and uninfected one.
Mobile Minded
Published by BIS Publishers
First Edition 2002
ISBN 90-6369-017-7
This book will shift your notion of nature. Our image of nature as static, balanced and harmonic is naive and up for reconsideration. Where technology and nature are traditionally seen as opposites, they now appear to merge or even trade places. The first book about the philosophy of Koert van Mensvoort on how Nature changes along with us.
Next Nature
Published by BIS Publishers
First Edition 2005
ISBN 90-6369-093-2
Who are the new creatives? This book contains ideas, tips, visions, and critical notes to an economical strategy to boost the economy of the west. All industry is creative; all human activity creates something; and nearly all human activity is subsumed under industrial imperatives. A book by designers, writers, bloggers and generators.
Creativity for All
Published by BIS Publishers
First Edition 2006
ISBN 90-6369-162-2
Style is about commerce, Style is about consumerism, Style is about recognition, Style is about repetition, Style is about manipulation, Style is about control, Style is about sense. This book provides no final definition of what style is about.
Style First
Published by Birkhauser Verlag
First Edition 2008
ISBN 98-7654-321
Visual Power I, II, III
Three books on different topics; Sex: bodies have become aesthetisized, mediated, spoiled and wasted by consumption. News: In the age of real time media there is no information without images. Life is a reality show. Business: Cash in on the media coverage you generate. Pretend to be attractive.
Visual Power: Business, Sex, News
Published by BIS Publishers
First Edition 2003
ISBN 90-6369-05-84
Catalogue of Strategies
De Catalogue of Strategies is about 10 years of Graphic Design in the ninetees created by myself and Marjolijn Ruyg. Works that are mostly print, webdesign and moving image. We did designs for and about the digital revolution.
Catalogue of Strategies
Published by BIS Publishers
First Edition 2001
ISBN 978-1584230991